One of the most significant memorials in Budapest

The Shoes on the Danube Bank is an important site to honor the Jews who were rounded up and executed on the banks of the Danube River by the Arrow Cross Militia in Budapest during the Second World War.

The victims were ordered to take off their shoes, as at the time these were valuables that could be stolen and resold, before being shot at the edge of the water so that their bodies fell into the river and carried away. The somber memorial that stands today represents their shoes left behind on the bank. The Shoes on the Danube Holocaust memorial is one of the most visited landmarks in Budapest, with hundreds of thousands of tourists frequenting the somber exhibit.

In 2016 the site was chosen as the world’s second best public statue

The Shoes on the Danube monument is made up of sixty pairs of cast-iron shoes, rusted, weathered and worn, molded to the shape of the feet that wore them and comprised of mens’ work-boots, ladies’ shoes, and childrens’ boots, representing the moment just after death and producing a striking personal impact when attending the place.

Shoes on the Danube

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    About the location of “Shoes on the Danube Bank“

    The Shoes on the Dabune Bank monument is located about 300m from the Hungarian Parliament Building in district 5, along the edge of the Danube River, and overlooks to the other side of the river, onto Castle Hill.

    Although relatively small, this is one of the most touching holocaust memorials in Budapest and visitors from all over the world arrive at the site to see it, light candles or leave behind flowers or flags – placing them inside a particular shoe that moved them.

    Arriving to “Shoes on the Danube Bank” – with EZRaider

    Budapest Raider is a unique sightseeing experience. The EZRaider tours in Budapest are accompanied by a professional rider leading the route, pass through must-see sights, and include stops at some of the most Instagrammable spots in Budapest along the Danube.

    As there are limited spots per tour, they are filling up fast, so make sure to check availability and book your EZRaider experience in advance.